Being A Part Of The Answer: Ms Yolanda

Note: this post was pulled from our archives to highlight some of our Powerful Parents of Autism - as we celebrate International Women’s Month, 2019

Throughout Autism Month, we've been committed to introducing you to some of the wonderful families that we have the pleasure of working with... and so this week, we'd like to introduce you to an awesome client, supporter, and member of The Answer Inc Family - Mrs Yolanda Williams.

buzz:  How long have you been a part of The Answer and what brought you to become a part???

Ms Yolanda: I've been part of this organization for 9 years. My son Carvier has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Right Before we became part of The Answer Family, my son was hospitalized for the first time, due to his (ASD) --- he was exhibiting behaviors that had became uncontrollable. I realized  needed some HELP. I was fortunate at the time to have met Ramona Blakney, who was already a member of The Answer Inc and someone whom I found out that I had something in common with --- which was that both of our sons are diagnosed with Autism. Ramona encouraged me to attend one of The Answer Inc meetings and that turned out to be the best thing ever,for my son and I. 

buzz: looking back, from the time you became a part of the answer, til now... how has The Answer Inc impacted your life???

Ms Yolanda:  The Answer Inc. has greatly impacted my son and my life in informative, resourceful, supportive and social ways. Also, it has given my son the opportunity to get involved in activities, such as the Spectrum University, Music N Me and the Annual parties which is awesome for Carvier because he loves music so. I love the fact he gets physical exercise as well as mental exercise so that's a Win! Win! for his needs.

buzz:  The Answer Inc is dedicated to improving and enriching the quality of life of families impacted by Autism and/or other Developmental Disorders by providing support, resources, education, recreation and advocacy.  What's your favorite part of what The Answer Inc does??? 

Ms Yolanda: The biggest event --- The annual "Open your heart to Autism" walkathon --- is one of my favorites because it raises the funds that help raise money for the organization and allows it to provide the services and the events that my son and I benefit from.

buzz:  As the organization grows, is there something you would you like to see down the line???

Ms Yolanda: I would like to see the Answer continue to grow and continue to reach as many more families as possible --- that are Suffering in Silence.

buzz: is there anything else that you would like to say, add, share or that you would like people to know??

Ms Yolanda: I would like to thank Debra and Her husband James for creating an organization like The Answer Inc.  I Thank God! that this is her calling! because Debra has the skills and the expertise to bring people together for a great cause which, its desperately needed in the minority community when comes to families with special needs children.                                                                          

I would like to thank Ms Yolanda for taking the time to sit down with me and I hope that you've enjoyed hearing from her as much as I enjoyed talking to her.

Note: this post was pulled from our archives to highlight some of our Powerful Parents of Autism - as we celebrate International Women’s Month, 2019

With state budgets being cut regularly, it is only through your support that we are able to continue in our commitment to being The Best Autism Awareness and Support Agency in the Chicagoland Area and to continue delivering on our promises to the families that we serve.  

Remember that a portion of your contribution is tax deductible and your kindness never goes unrewarded.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office at 708- 296-5651.

buzz McBride

Media-Ographer & Community-Builder

VIDEO: Let's Finish Strong


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